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What we do?

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SINCE 2017

We are a creative Media, production and entertainment platform based in Algeria.

Behind every initiative there’s always a story. Ours started in 2017 as young students passionate in photography and videography. AVA Media stands for “Abstract Visions of Africa”, it is an initiative launched by a group of young African students in Algeria, with a focus on not only offering high quality and satisfactory media coverage services, but also on our ultimate goal, using our platform and skills in the media to promote content and information that inspire and motivate young people accross the continent.

Our Media Services

We offer different media services such as in Photography, Video production and Cinematography, and Branding. We also offer workshops & private tuition. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Photography Services

I can film your project whether it is a commercial advertise, a short film or a document film. I have expertise in these fields.

Videography Services

I can film your project whether it is a commercial advertise, a short film or a document film. I have expertise in these fields.

Workshops & Private Tuition

I can film your project whether it is a commercial advertise, a short film or a document film. I have expertise in these fields.

Have a project? Let’s Work!